Thursday, July 9, 2009

Every Time She Winked, I Thought It Was Just For Me

A variation on Godwin’s Law states that “a good rule in most discussions is that the first person to call the other a Nazi automatically loses the argument.” This is especially true in the context of political discourse in the United States, which, of late, seems to have settled into a new nadir. Wags and pundits on both sides of the aisle habitually compare one another to “fascists” and “Nazis” in their flaccid attempts to deflate and defame the opposition’s policy positions. It’s lazy, puerile and completely unproductive.

So, theoretically, I should be dismissive of this Hitler-invoking pinko knee-jerk liberal propaganda film (a clip refashioned from the excellent German film Downfall). But I'm not. The portrayal of the Fuhrer as a Palin enamored Republican strategist is puerile, unproductive and radiantly funny. The line “That’s what Alaska gets for electing a MILF and not a Stalin!” alone makes it worthwhile. So, yeah, I’m a hypocrite.

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